
the wagon

By this miss  //  life  //  2 Comments

While I may have temporarily fallen off the blogging wagon, I have not stopped losing weight. As of last Friday, my weigh in day of choice, I’ve lost 62.8 pounds. Things are really busy right now for me. I’m leaving for a South American adventure on Tuesday, and I’m just a little bit frantic tying up all the loose ends. When things die down just a little bit, I’m going to spiff this place up with an About Me section, my progress chart and a lot of other stuff. Check back in early-ish July.

I’ll tell you this. I’m very excited about my upcoming trip. A trip I never would have considered 62.8 pounds ago. A trip I never thought I would have been able to take. Go me.

2 Comments to “the wagon”

  • Keep it up girl! Maybe you should post about the fact that you have lost over 115lbs by now!

  • It’s on my list! I’ve got a lot to post about. I think it’s 122 now, but my scale might have been lying to me. I just replaced the batteries. Thanks for reading!

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